
Monday, June 8, 2009

No lip... (stick)

I've decided this blog is going to be sprinkled with various tips that a wild mother like myself, just might find useful... it makes me recall this past Mother's Day how I was greeted by my teenager with a fresh new (now empty) tube of Wild Orchid lipstick that had just been washed and dryed into a very full load of mostly my clothes. Even though it was Mother's Day, my daughter was pissed as though this was a deliberate act on my part! As though I just can't wait to tackle another load of washed and dryed lipstick all over everything! woo hoo ...can't wait.... afterall, it was 'Mother's Day!' .......I had my 'secret' recipe, but first because I always have to do things the hard way... I bought a new bottle of Resolve Carpet Cleaner from a suggestion I saw on the web... because I'm never satisified unless I have wasted time and money... and yep, right again... the "Resolve" suggestion did back to my tried and true recipe... hot, hot water... mix Cascade powder for the dishwasher, Tide and a little Oxiclean -- put clothes in your sink and soak and stir with a wooden spoon like a crazy witch... Repeat, Repeat... then wash...if it's a really miserable load like this may have to repeat up to five times...but it does come out... ! :)

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