
Showing posts with label School DAZED..... Show all posts
Showing posts with label School DAZED..... Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

School DAZED.....

Statistics have indicated that children educated in the US have really fallen behind....DUH!    Japanese kids go to school 43 days a year more than ours and I have feeling they're not playing video games in their downtime!   I am amazed at how many days off my kids have from school  - it's always something!  Ever heard of Casimir Pulaski Day?  Well he was  a Revolutionary War Cavalry Officer born in 1745- I'm sure a great fellow, but giving kids a full-day off of school to celebrate his birthday is a bit over the top!   This week,  my son has two days off, for what? I've stopped asking- especially with Spring Break upon us!   My normally o-kay son is ornery like his pissy sister from new sanctions on his video-game addiction--it's really like heroin for him - he  shakes at the thought of doing something like interacting with non-virtual people or  even worse, reading a book!   His Science grade makes me 'shake' and I'm tried of hearing since November, of how he's on a 'come back' with this class .... yeah right!  So the days of being the crazy uncle in the basement are over... he now is on very limited use with his X-Box.... will be nice to have him return back to society... it was time.
As any ADHD mother knows.... it's A's or D's with these kids... that then translates into a correctional facility or Harvard.  No middle ground here.....everything is extreme!
I recently heard a great analogy about children with this condition... 'They have the brains of a Maserati and the brakes of a bicycle' ... and I wholeheartedly agree with that! Another reason why they need to be constantly monitored!   So exhausting.... off to bed my favorite part of the day! :)   Sweet dreams!   Zzzzz